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La Victoire de Samothrace, Unknown, 190 BC



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Rothko likened his abstract work to a mystical experience.

"The fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I can communicate those basic human emotions ... The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them."

Rothko's work might initially appear "random," but it was meticulously crafted and thought through.

He wanted viewers to stand close to his paintings, and be fully immersed and moved by them.

Colours were carefully placed together to create a special resonance and vibration.

His paintings are meant to "expand and push outward in all directions...or inward in all directions".

Rothko is regarded as one of America's most influential artists.

One of his paintings recently sold for $86 million.

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La Joconde, de Vinci (1519)


Modular Painting with Four Panels

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